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本公司自备海关监管拖车三十多台,并全部配有海关核准的司机簿等车辆核准件,可承接广东地区一般贸易及封关运输业务。 24小时服务, 雄厚的实力和严格的管理,保证你的货物陆运更加安全方便,准时可靠。

经纬度:49 ° 14'0"N,123 ° 11'0"W
锚地:48-22-30N 123-23-30W


港务局: Vancouver Port Authority
地址: 100 The Pointe
999 Canada Place
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3T4
电话: 604-665-9000
传真: 604-665-9007
邮件: customer_service@portvancouver.com
网址: www.portvancouver.com


FUEL:FUEL AND DIESEL OIL IN ANY QUANTITY DRY DOCKS:MAX CAPACITY 9,000 TONS AND 36,000 TONS 加拿大西海岸大商港。位于该国西南温哥华时北部的一个狭湾内,船舶出入港经乔治海峡、胡安-德富卡海峡。距西雅图126海里,距鲁珀特太子港447海里,至旧金山812海里,至上海5100海里,至天津5330海里。有铁路经卡尔加里、温尼伯至东部的政治、经济中心,另外还有许多支线铁路通西部工业农业生产基地。港区有内外港之分。内港在利翁斯海门以内的东西向狭湾两岸,狭湾长20多公里,主要港区在西部南北两岸,有7-15米水深的码头20多座,泊位60多个,码头线总长12公里余。其中杂货、集装箱泊位30多个,谷物泊位16个,矿石、煤、硫磺、森林产品、木材等散货泊位10多个,石油泊位7个。集装箱码头分布在南岸的百年纪念码头(3个泊位水深12.2米)和温特尔姆码头(3个泊位水深15.5米)。谷物粮食仓容量91万余吨(3344.5万蒲式耳)。外港除指海上锚地外,还有深水煤输出专用码头,位于内港正南约30多公里的罗伯茨滩(ROBERTS BANK),有一个长274米低潮水深19.5米的20万吨级泊位。最近港务局决定将在今后三年内投资1.1亿美元在此建集装箱码头,年通过能力50万标准箱两个泊位。


Port History
For 4000 to 9000 years, Native peoples had inhabited the area where the Hudson's Bay Company set up Fort Langley in 1827. Near the mouth of the Fraser River in Northwestern Canada, few Europeans lived there until the 1850s with the establishment of New Westminster near the original fort. Twenty-five thousand miners flooded in during the gold rush of the 1860s. Originally called Granville, Vancouver was a small sawmilling town in the 1870s.
Incorporated after the first trans-Canada railroad entered the area, it was renamed after George Vancouver who had surveyed the coast in 1792. The Panama Canal's opening in 1914 helped the city become a prosperous port when it became easier to export grain and lumber to eastern America and Europe. A settlement of about 1000 people in 1881, the Port of Vancouver was home to over 20 thousand by 1900 and 100 thousand by 1911.
Even though it's one of British Columbia's youngest cities, the Port of Vancouver was Canada's third largest city and its main Pacific port by the 1930s. After World War II, the Port of Vancouver was the country's major hub for trade with Asia and the Pacific. The city has been popular for East Asian immigration since the end of World War II.
Port Commerce
The Port of Vancouver is now the industrial, financial, and commercial center of British Columbia, and trade and transportation are vital to the local economy. It's Canada's largest ice-free deep water port with facilities and support for freighters and fishing fleets. In addition to significant cruise ship traffic, cargoes moving through the Port of Vancouver include grain, sulfur, coal, petrochemicals, potash, steel, forest products, and containers.
The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority (VFPA) is an amalgam of the Fraser River Port Authority, North Fraser Port Authority, and Vancouver Port Authority. The VFPA operates and develops the port. The Port of Vancouver contains 25 major terminals that offer a range of facilities and services to support international shipping.
The Port of Vancouver has 17 bulk terminals that handle grain, coal, sulfur, potash, chemicals, and fuel oil. Bulk cargoes are 75% of annual traffic. The Port of Vancouver has three breakbulk terminals that have much open and covered storage, on-dock rail, and fast service. Deep water berths at low tide are up to 50 feet deep.
The Port of Vancouver boasts three recently-expanded container terminals, and they plan to increase container capacity to four million TEUs by 2012. The Centerm terminal handles container and breakbulk cargo for the world's biggest shipping lines, and its intermodal services assure rapid transfers between ship, truck, and rail. With area of 73 acres, Centerm offers five acres of covered storage and over 50 acres of open storage. The container yard has storage capacity for 12 thousand TEUs.
The Deltaport Terminal is the Port of Vancouver's biggest container terminal, and it handles the biggest container ships. While containerized cargo is the terminal's main focus, it also handles project cargoes. Total terminal area is 160 acres, and water depths reach up to 52 feet at low tide. The container yard can handle 24 thousand full TEUs.
The Vanterm terminal offers modern container-handling equipment and a five-track on-dock intermodal rail yard. The 76-acre terminal handles containerized cargo, project cargo, and bulk oils. Its container yard can handle up to 7 thousand full TEUs.
Cruising and Travel
The Port of Vancouver sports a British atmosphere with East Asian touches. Its Chinatown is second only to that of San Francisco, and the Gastown area has been restored to its 1880s condition. The northern residential suburbs are framed by 10 thousand foot mountains.
The Port of Vancouver celebrated its first 100 years with Expo 86, a world's fair for which Canad

运在盐田、蛇口、黄埔均有自已的报关行,实现快速通关!并与多家世界著名的船公司,航空公司建立了长期战略合作伙伴关系:国际海运主要代理TSL、OOCL、YML、WHL的东南亚/中东/印巴航线,CSCL 、COSCO、MISC、HANJIN、ANL的欧洲/地中海航线, MSC、CMA、CSAV、HAMBURG SUD、ZIM的中南美及非洲航线, APL、HMM、MAERSK、K LINE的澳新航线;国际空运主要与中国南方航空(CZ)、阿联酋航空(EK)、新加坡航空(SQ)、








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