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With Air China CA, South SZ, Federal Express FX, Singapore Airlines SQ, Thai Airways TG, Air France AF and other airlines to establish a long-term relationship, global freight forwarding network will extend our services to one hundred countries and regions. I direct the Secretary and two-way international air transport in mature, space guaranteed. Provide real-time flight dynamics, the most favorable freight and all my colleagues in a strong sense of responsibility, the spirit of sincere dedication, in order to meet the different needs of different customers to provide the most effective protection.

Export by air

- Our air freight export plain, can arrange door to door services
- Customs agents, customs clearance, transport regulation, commodity inspection, quarantine and animal and plant health inspection service.
- Accept hanging clothes, fresh produce and other special requirements of air cargo.
- Control of goods for export to provide safe and reliable storage services.
- The dynamic tracking of export goods, providing proof of delivery port of destination (POD).
- Perfect after-sales service, timely feedback on customer consultation (usually less than 24 hours).
我司拥有通畅便捷的国际运输渠道, 中港运输方面:公司属下及联营可调配中港货车60余辆,可为客户提供方便、快捷、准确、门到门的中港运输服务;在国际快递方面,公司具有低成本、高效率的服务;在国际空运、海运方面:以香港,广州,深圳等大型港口为依托,建立了便捷快速的运输通道,开通了集中深圳中转至香港,转运至全球.确保客户货物以最短的时间,最低的成本安全、迅速的运抵目的地。

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