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Customs gz Clearance

Customs Clearance::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

-Well equipped with qualified personnel to ensure speedy clearance of goods

-Keeping clients informed of any Customs,Government policy or procedural changes that may affect or improve our customers'business activities.

is the most important trading center of northwest area of China. Navaglobe has its branch-offices or agents at main sea/air ports of China. we can develop and design special service plans according to the customers' requirements for transportation and offer competitive price to satisfy customers. We shall offer the perfect service on forwarding. Excellent relations with shipping and air lines which operate from china’s main freight hubs, a team of highly qualified employees and the support of great international network will guarantee you a safe, quick, accurate and convenient logistics service.








Copyright 2005-2009 www.b773.com.广州海运国际货代有限公司.电话:137 111 27975 QQ客服一:1250528657 QQ客服二:1815998783